Not Your Typical Elder Law Firm

Fighting Against Elder Abuse And Neglect

At Stebner Gertler & Guadagni in San Francisco, California, we are committed to the cause of protecting the elderly from careless nursing home, assisted living facilities and hospital staff. Our attorneys focus solely on elder law litigation.

If your loved one has suffered abuse or neglect in a nursing home or hospital, contact us at 800-610-9641. You need a compassionate and aggressive advocate who has been on the cutting edge of elder abuse litigation for more than 25 years.

A Lack Of Training And Money Can Lead To Elder Abuse

At Stebner Gertler & Guadagni, we find that physical elder abuse occurs because nursing homes and other institutions do not expend enough financial resources on resident care. That results in hiring unqualified employees, cutting corners on training and failing to maintain an adequate staff to resident ratio. Call lights are ignored, and patients go without the necessary care they require.

Physical elder abuse and neglect can take various forms, including:

We hold skilled nursing homes, residential care and assisted living facilities, and hospitals accountable when you or your loved one has been injured due to negligent or abusive staff.

Fraudulent Financial Dealings Victimizing The Elderly

Abuse does not always equate to physical violence. Many times, trust is put into a professional who is untrustworthy with his or her elderly client’s finances. We hold financial advisors and annuity agents accountable for their unethical and fraudulent actions in mishandling finances and unfair business practices.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced elder abuse lawyer regarding nursing home litigation, please contact us at 800-610-9641.