Not Your Typical Elder Law Firm

Elder Neglect By Nursing Home Staff Can Cause Bedsores

Despite what nursing home staff may tell you, bedsores are avoidable and only happen because of neglect. At Stebner Gertler & Guadagni in San Francisco, California, we hold nursing homes and other institutions responsible for a potentially deadly medical condition.

Without proper care and treatment, a bedsore or pressure ulcer can destroy the skin, muscle layers and ultimately affect the bone. It can even result in death. Contact us at 800-610-9641.

Bedsores Are Serious And Preventable Medical Problems

Believe it or not, bedsores, also known as decubitus ulcers, are a problem that affects today’s seniors in modern hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. However, the most important thing to remember is that bedsores are preventable and can be a result of elder neglect or abuse.

A Lack Of Care Resulting In Bedsores

Many people are surprised to find that bedsores are a problem that affects today’s seniors in modern hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Patients who are malnourished or dehydrated are at an increased risk of developing pressure sores. Anyone who spends the majority of his or her time in bed or in a wheelchair is at risk. Most policies indicate that patients should be repositioned every two hours or hourly if they are in a wheelchair.

Many times those policies are not followed. That is where we can help.

Protecting The Rights And Well-Being Of The Elderly

At Stebner Gertler & Guadagni, our attorneys protect the rights and well-being of our elderly clients. Bedsores are not a minor issue and are completely preventable. Many times, the nursing home staff is not even qualified enough to identify a bedsore. You need to move quickly and prevent more serious health issues and even death.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer, please contact us at 800-610-9641.