Not Your Typical Elder Law Firm

Understanding elder neglect as a form of abuse

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2020 | Firm News |

Many residents in California have elderly family members who require care to help them with their daily lives. This may entail a person providing some in-home assistance or it may require the family member to live in a long-term care facility like a nursing home.

When selecting a facility, company or individual to care for a loved one, you may need to know what signs to look for that may signal problems with your family member’s care or caregiver. Sadly, elder abuse can and does occur.

Neglect as a form of abuse

As explained by the California Department of Social Services, elder abuse may take many forms. The state’s agency that oversees this problem is called the Adult Protective Services unit. Abuse may be noticed or suspected due to physical signs even if the abuse does not stem from physical abuse such as hitting. Neglect involves the failure of a person tasked with caring for an elderly resident to provide that care.

Examples of elder neglect include not delivering, making or providing food to an elder person. Failing to attend to an elderly person’s hygiene needs may contribute to neglect. Over time, neglect may lead to physical problems or injuries.

Behavioral and physical symptoms of neglect

A person who experiences neglect by a caregiver may exhibit noticeable changes in their behavior, including withdrawing from conversations or activities commonly participated in.

More information about what may constitute elder neglect or elder abuse and where to find help if you suspect your loved one may have been mistreated can be found on the elderly person’s care page of our California elder abuse and neglect website.


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