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How long does it take bedsores to develop?

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2024 | Long-term Care Facility Neglect |

Bedsores are often known as pressure ulcers. This is because the pressure itself restricts blood flow, especially in the patient’s skin. When this pressure is prolonged and blood flow is significantly reduced, the surrounding tissues can suffer harm and even begin to die. As skin cells die, the pressure sore develops.

But if this injury is so significant that skin cells are literally dying, how long does it take for something like that to happen? It may be a lot faster than you would assume.

2 hours

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it’s possible for someone to develop a bedsore after just two hours. This is why nursing home staff members are often supposed to help patients get up and move – or at least roll or change positions – frequently. This may need to happen multiple times per day, and patients with mobility restrictions may not be able to do so on their own.

That said, it’s also worth noting that there are four different stages of bedsores. Stage One may develop after two hours, and the skin could be pink or red. It may begin to harden or darken.

But that is a relatively minor injury compared to a Stage Four bedsore. This is when the wound is deep enough to go through every layer of the skin. It then starts to affect the muscles and tendons below the skin, and severe bedsores can even impact the bones. A condition like this could take days or weeks to develop, though every case is unique.

What are your options?

If you have an elderly loved one in a nursing home and they have developed bedsores – or you are concerned that they will – it’s quite important to know exactly what legal options you have at your disposal.


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