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Recent details about the Stan Lee elder abuse case

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2019 | Elder Abuse |

Since the massive success of the Marvel film franchise over the past decade, Stan Lee has become a household name. Before the release of the films, many already revered Mr. Lee for his significant contributions to the comic book industry. These contributions include the creation of popular comics such as the X-Men, Spider-Man and a great many other Marvel Comics.

The legendary Mr. Lee passed away in November of 2018. Unfortunately, his death occurred amid rumors that he was the victim of elder abuse. Reportedly, the man who served as Mr. Lee’s advisor and caregiver since the death of his wife perpetrated this abuse.

Law enforcement in the state of Arizona recently arrested Lee’s caregiver after he allegedly fled charges of fiduciary elder abuse in California. Other allegations against the defendant include embezzlement, theft, fraud or forgery “against an elder” and falsely imprisoning an elder.

One of the most disturbing things about this case is that many people suspected elder abuse before Mr. Lee’s death. Several videos released before he died showed a man who did not look or sound well even as he denied suffering from any form of elder abuse. According to reports, the caregiver was prompting Mr. Lee off camera during these video clips.

The Los Angeles police department began an investigation into this alleged elder abuse in February of 2019. The investigation stemmed from reports that Lee’s caregiver took advantage of the comic mogul’s declining age-based frailties. Another factor of the investigation involved reports that the caregiver was isolating Mr. Lee from his family.

Anytime a senior citizen has significant wealth, he or she is at an increased risk of senior mistreatment. Please watch for signs of abuse and consider talking with a lawyer to discuss possible protections before elder physical or financial abuse can occur.


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