When your parent loses mobility or spends the majority of the time in bed or a wheelchair, extra care is necessary to prevent harm. Unfortunately, many nursing homes lack adequate staffing or fail to train their staff members properly, which may cause residents to...
Firm News
Do nursing homes violate human rights with chemical restraints?
When your loved one becomes a resident in a nursing home, you expect him or her to have the best possible care. As your parent, grandparent or other family members enter the home, he or she probably has medications to remain healthy. What happens if the nursing home...
What are chemical restraints in nursing homes?
Elder Abuse If you have a loved one in a nursing home, odds are you hope that he or she receives the best possible care. Most have heard horror stories of elder abuse and unfortunately, some of it is true. One form of elder abuse that you may be unaware of is...
Nursing home staffing problems may cause neglect
A nursing home should be a place where your elderly loved one can receive proper care. However, in the event a nursing home is not helping your relative to dress, go to the bathroom, or neglects to provide regular medication for your loved one, it is possible the home...