Not Your Typical Elder Law Firm

Learn More About Our Attorneys

San Francisco-based Stebner Gertler & Guadagni is one of only a few California law firms that focus solely on elder law issues. If you or a loved one has suffered abuse or neglect in a hospital or nursing home, time is of the essence in contacting a seasoned attorney.

Founder Kathryn A. Stebner

Kathryn Stebner has focused on elder abuse and medical malpractice litigation since 1985. In addition to her legal practice, she is a frequent speaker and author on elder abuse litigation. Ms. Stebner has tried jury cases in a wide array of civil litigation areas early in her career, but now handles elder law litigation exclusively.

Trial Litigation Support

Stebner Gertler & Guadagni also partners with Craig Needham and Kirsten Fish and the law firm of Needham, Kepner and Fish (NKF). They provides us with additional legal resources, including extensive trial experience, and serve as co-counsel on most of our elder abuse cases.